Utopia Opens in Two Weeks!

There are just two weeks left before Utopia Limited opens at The Hanger Farm Arts Centre in Totton. Rehearsals have been going very well and, with Captain Fitzbattleaxe flying in from Malaysia tomorrow, the show is in it's final stages of readiness. We asked Matt Sturgeon (Calynx) for his assessment of how the show is progressing "Don't ask me. I am barely involved" he replied.

Tickets from 02380 667683!

Pocket G&S to stage Utopia Limited

Pocket G&S will be in action again next spring when they stage Gilbert and Sullivan's penultimate piece, Utopia Limited. Set on the fictional idyllic desert island of Utopia, the show tells the story of King Paramount and his attempt to improve on perfection by recruiting six Englishman to assist with the running of the country. Chaos ensues! Prepare for an evening of coconuts, cocktails, nannies, nudity, treason, tropical fruit, screaming, swimming, and dynamite!

The show will be directed by David Tatnall and the musical director will be Keziah Jacombs. It will run from April 11th to April 13th 2013 at Hanger Farm, further venues may be announced. If you would like us to perform Utopia at your venue we would be delighted to hear from you.


£940 raised for Church

The charity performance of The Pirates of Penzance staged last night in Lockerley raised £940 for St. John's Church.

We welcome Nichola Paterson and Richard Chamberlain to the cast for the final performance at The International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival on Thursday 9th August at The Paxton Theatre in Derbyshire.

Pirates in Buxton


The Pirates of Penzance was well received by a large and lively audience of Gilbert and Sullivan enthusiasts at the 19th International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival in Buxton, Derbyshire. Described by Festival Director Neil Smith as "a classic tale of muggery, thuggery and bu...ccaneering" the show was performed on Thursday 9th August at 2.30pm in the Paxton Theatre, which neighbours the town's famous Opera House.


G&S Enthusiast Ted Spencer reported to Savoynet in the interval - "Pocket's Pirates might best be described as everything we hate about slapstick G&S--done really really well. I especially perked up when the audience got to sing along about the weather. MG rides a horse, and Samuel is a parrot. Audience was quite lively at intermission (you call it interval?). I'm looking forward to Act 2". I recommend Ted's website, G&S Opera, to all fans, performers, producers and researchers of G&S. It can be found here http://gsopera.com/


A DVD of this performance is available from http://www.gsfestivals.org/content/pirates-penzance-%E2%80%93-pocket-gs-2012


Pirates in Lockerley!

Our final performance at Hanger Farm was sold out but if you were disappointed there is still a chance to see Pirates in Lockerley on Saturday. Tickets are available from 01794 340215!

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