• Naked Ambition
    Naked Ambition

    Dr Daly (Mark Ponsford) reveals his aspirations

  • We shall proceed to the incantation scene!
    We shall proceed to the incantation scene!

    John Wellington Wells (Shaun Dodimead), Alexis (David Putley) and Aline (Annie Tatnall) prepare for special effects that only Pocket G&S can provide

  • Rollicking Buns
    Rollicking Buns

    Mrs Partlett (Anne Croudass) and Constance (Katherine Evans) discuss the finer points of sandwiches...

  • My life is very sad and drear...
    My life is very sad and drear...

    Katherine Evans (Constance) laments her love of Dr Daly

  • A Herculean Effort
    A Herculean Effort

    Hercules (Adam Case) and Sir Marmaduke (David Tatnall) seemed somewhat disturbed...

  • Awkward...

    John Wellington-Wells (Shaun Dodimead) attempts to avoid the amorous attentions of Lady Sangazure (Vicky Wilson)

  • Marriage made in heaven
    Marriage made in heaven

    Aline (Annie Tatnall) and Alexis (David Putley) show the love they have for each other

The Sorcerer 2011 - Daily Echo Review

A Winning Production!

IN this early Gilbert & Sullivan work actor/director David Tatnall once again delivers a winning production, in which Mark Ponsford (Rev Dr Daly) deserves an early credit for his hilarious performance in this tale of love potions leading to unexpected couplings. Running him close was Annie Tatnall, vocal clarity itself in her role as Aline Sangazure, and David Putley as Alexis Pointdexter, whose love for her is unrequited.

Pointdexter enlists the help of ‘cheeky-chappie’ J Wellington- Wells (Shaun Dodimead), who prescribes a potion that makes people fall in love with the first person they see when they awake, (think Midsummer Night’s Dream on a grander scale). The results had the capacity audience rolling with laughter, with Vicky Wilson (excellent as demureturned- predatory Lady Sangazure), Katherine Evans (Constance) and Anne Croudass (Mrs Partlet) all worthy of mention.

Keziah Jacombs enhanced her own reputation as musical director, leading a talented seven-piece ‘band’.

Alan Johns


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